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waffle iron meaning in Hindi

waffle iron sentence in Hindi
वॉफ़ल आइरन
waffle    बक अस्पष्ट लेख
iron    कठोरता पिस्तौल
1.Bake in a preheated waffle iron until very dark brown; serve immediately.

2.In the morning, brush waffle iron lightly with oil and preheat it.

3.If the waffle iron will return to the market is still unknown.

4.Learning to Cook : Everyone Gather'Round the Waffle Iron for Holiday Breakfast

5.During the awkward evening, she discovers a waffle iron in his possession.

6.P . S . You get a " The Ladykillers " waffle iron.

7.Bungeoppangs are prepared using an appliance similar to a waffle iron.

8.Popcorn makers, waffle irons . . . all claimed counter space.

9.One that may be enjoying a comeback is the waffle iron.

10.And why not make footwear with a pattern borrowed from a waffle iron?

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a kitchen appliance for baking waffles; the appliance usually consists of two indented metal pans hinged together so that they create a pattern on the waffle

How to say waffle iron in Hindi and what is the meaning of waffle iron in Hindi? waffle iron Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.